
You can find the Typography options at

Customizing >> General >>Typography


Each Font Options have the following variations

  1. Font Family
  2. Variant
  3. Font Size
  4. Line Height
  5. Letter Spacing
  6. Text Align
  7. Text Transform

Default Font-family

Change Font-family

Our typography options allow setting fonts for

  1. Body
  2. Site Title
  3. Site Tagline
  4. Header Menu
  5. Header Sub Menu
  6. Heading 1
  7. Heading 2
  8. Heading 3
  9. Heading 4
  10. Heading 5
  11. Heading 6
  12. Blockquote

Font Awesome

Custom Typography

This setting helps you to manage the custom typography of the website. This setting helps you to set the typography properties of the body tag, site tagline, headings, etc.

To access these settings, navigate to Customiser >> General >> Typography >> Custom Typography

Update on September 26, 2023