General Notices Settings

Site administrators can customize and set specific messages for each restriction imposed on the members.

To access these settings navigate to, WB Plugins > Community Pro > General Notices.

Activity Posts Notices

The selected user roles will receive these notices in the following situations:

  • When a user hasn’t added enough comments to create an activity.
  • When a user lacks friends to generate an activity.
  • If a user hasn’t joined a sufficient number of groups to create an activity.
  • When a user hasn’t created enough groups to initiate an activity.
  • If a user hasn’t sent an adequate number of messages to enable the creation of a new activity post.

Activity Posts Notices will display like this on frontend:

Activity Comments Notices

The selected user roles will receive these notices in the following situations:

  • When a user hasn’t added enough activities to create a comment.
  • When a user lacks friends to generate a comment.
  • If a user hasn’t joined a sufficient number of groups to create a comment.
  • When a user hasn’t created enough groups to initiate a comment.
  • If a user hasn’t sent an adequate number of messages to enable the creation of a new comment.

Activity Comments Notices will display like this on frontend:

Groups Notices

The selected user roles will receive these notices for group components in the following situations:

  • When the selected user role is limited from creating groups.
  • When the selected user role is restricted from joining groups.
  • When the selected user role is restricted from leaving groups.
  • If the selected user role has reached the maximum allowable number of group creations.
  • If the selected user role lacks a sufficient number of activity posts to create a group.
  • If the selected user role doesn’t have an adequate number of activity comments to initiate a group.
  • When the selected user role lacks the minimum required number of friends to create a group.

Group component Notices will display like this on frontend:

Friendship Notices

The selected user roles will receive these notices for the friendship component in the following situations

  • When a user is constrained from adding new friends.
  • When a user is unable to receive friendship requests.
  • When a user is unable to unfriend another user.
  • When a user has reached the maximum permissible number of friends.

Friendship component Notices will display like this on frontend:

  • When a user is unable to initiate a new conversation.
  • When a user is unable to respond to messages from other users.
  • When a user is unable to start multiple conversations
  • When a user cannot send messages to non-friends.
  • When a user is restricted from deleting message threads.
  • When a user has reached the maximum number of messaged users.
  • When a user has reached the maximum number of messages allowed per account.
  • When a user has reached the maximum number of messages allowed per year.
  • When a user has reached the maximum number of messages allowed per month.
  • When a user has reached the maximum number of messages allowed per day.
  • When a user has reached the maximum number of messages allowed per hour.

Messages component Notices will display like this on frontend:

Update on February 21, 2024