
BuddyPress Contact Me plugin offers various functionalities or capabilities to enhance the communication and interaction aspects within the BuddyPress plugin .BuddyPress Contact Me has the following features:

Contact Form

This plugin integrates a contact form directly into the profile page of each site member. This feature allows visitors to easily get in touch with the members through the provided form.

BuddyPress Notifications Control

The Site Admin has the authority to manage whether site members will receive BuddyPress Notifications when someone attempts to contact them. This control gives administrators the flexibility to tailor the notification system according to the site’s communication preferences.

Email Notifications Management

Similarly, the Site Admin can dictate whether site members will receive Email Notifications when someone tries to contact them. This functionality empowers administrators to fine-tune the email communication process based on the site’s specific needs.

Email Customization Options

The plugin provides Site Admins with the ability to control the content and subject text of the emails that are sent out. This customization feature ensures that the communication aligns with the site’s branding or conveys specific information as desired by the administrators.

Flexible Placement with Shortcodes

Site Admins have the flexibility to place member-specific contact forms on any page by utilizing shortcodes along with the member’s ID. This allows for strategic placement of contact forms across the site, enhancing user accessibility and interaction.

Member-Controlled Contact Form

Members themselves have the autonomy to enable or disable the contact form on their profiles. This feature empowers individual members to manage their own communication preferences, providing a personalized experience and control over the level of interaction they wish to have with site visitors.

Update on November 16, 2023