How users can disable the activities to be triggered?

While admin set the activity generation globally. But If any user does not want his activities to be triggered. He can easily manage that by navigating to User Profile >> Preference
Here he can manage all the Course-related activities
  • Course Completion Activity

1. If the user enables the ‘Add Course Enrollment Activity‘ to the ‘PeepSo activity’ setting, then a new activity will create when the user enrolls into a new course.
2. If the user enables the ‘Add Course Completion Activity‘ to the ‘PeepSo activity’ setting, then a new activity will create when the user completes a course.
3. If the user enables the ‘Add Lesson Completion Activity‘ to the ‘PeepSo activity’ setting, then a new activity will create when the user completes a lesson.
4. If the user enables the ‘Add Quiz Passed Activity‘ to the ‘PeepSo activity’ setting, then a new activity will create when the user passes a quiz.
5. If the user enables the ‘Add Quiz Failed Activity‘ to the ‘PeepSo activity’ setting, then a new activity will create when the user failed in a quiz.
6. If the user enables the ‘Earn Certificate Activity‘ to the ‘PeepSo activity’ setting, then a new activity will create when the user achieves a certificate.
7. If the user enables the ‘Earn Achievement Activity‘ to the ‘PeepSo activity’ setting, then a new activity will create when the user earns a new achievement.

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Update on May 24, 2022