Student Profile Setting

Students have complete control to customize their profile settings from the frontend dashboard. Once you navigate to the frontend profile settings (My Dashboard > Setting  > Profile), you will find the following options.


Profile Avatar: Profile Avatar are helpful in giving your profile an identifiable look. Profile photo image size should be a maximum of 200 X 200 pixels.

First Name: Set your first name here.

Last Name: Set your last name.

User Name: Set the username that you want to show the users of the site. You can set it whatever name you want.

Phone Number: Set the phone number that others can use to contact you.

Bio: Your bio defines the kind of vibe you want others to know you by. You can set a short summary about yourself, your qualifications, previous experience, what draws you to teach people, and descriptions of your certifications that show people that you are capable.

Display name publicly as: The display name is shown in all public fields, such as the author name, instructor name, student name, and name that will be printed on the certificate. You can set anything from the username, first name, last name, full name, etc.

Website URL: Set the website where people can find you. Once you add it to your profile, it will show up in the public profile of your instructors and students.

Reset Password

This section is responsible for the members resetting their passwords.

Current Password: Enter the current password here.

New Password: Set the new password according to your choice.

Repeat New Password: Re-enter the new password and click the save button.

Update on November 10, 2023