BuddyPress Activity Share Pro

The BuddyPress Share plugin is bundled with the BuddyX Pro theme to empower you with the ability to share BuddyPress content on a range of social media platforms and within your website.

To access the plugin’s settings, simply go to WB Plugins > BuddyPress Share. Here, you’ll discover the following configuration options:

General Setting

  • Enable social Share:

Activate this setting to display the share button within the expanded options on the activity page Under the three dots.

  • Enable sharing Sites

Select the social media sites for whom you want to enable the sharing.

  • Open as a popup window.

The default setting opens a new window in a popup. If you disable this option, services will open in a new tab instead of a popup.

Share Settings

These setting will allow you to manage the activity resharing within the site.

Icon Color Settings

These setting allows you to manage the color of the share icon.

Update on October 16, 2023